Monday, August 14, 2006

Call Me Chad

What is there to say about Chad? He came about during a trip to Europe. Y'know how there's supposedly this perception in Europe that Americans are uncultured assholes? Well, that perception is based on an accurate assessment of just about every American college student my friends and I met.

Chad was our universal name for every pussy-chasing, beer-bonging frat boy we came across. Chads would tell us things like, "If you like dark chicks, Seville is THE place to go."

But Chad cracks me up. He's got no hidden agenda so he feels completely free to express himself however he wants and about whatever subject he feels like. Although the number of subjects he talks about is very small.

Chad's list of 101 not only comes from a real movie but was also really an activity about three of my friends engaged in one night while drinking. The rules stipulated that a woman nominated to the list had to be approved by at least one other member. So it was very democratic.

Not one girl we knew was left off of the list.

Did you guys ever see a movie called My Momma got Thrown off a Train? Its pretty gay but there's this one guy on the movie who writes a book called 101 Women I Want to Pork. Ans it sells like 1 million books. So I'm gonna start my own book like that but I'm gonna change pork to do so poeple dont get offended.

My first one comes from reading this guys blog who's like got a total hardon for fantasy shit. But he's right about one thing. Elves are so tasty. Has anyone seen Liv Tyler in that Lord of the Rings movie? If I was that Frodo guy I'd be all like "oh no I got stabbed and I'm dying. The only thing that can save me is to get nasty with a hot elf chick. Gandalf told me." And she'd be all "Whatever you say. Your the ringbearer." And I'd be like "You got any hot elf friends cuz that's make me get better a whole lot faster." And she'd be like "I'll get my friend Alicia Silverstone."

And that makes number one AND number two.


Blogger Missy said...

So what was my number and who nominated me?

8:09 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

Wait...maybe I don't want to know.

8:09 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

No....I do.

8:10 PM  
Blogger X said...

It was so long ago, who can remember these things?

I can say that it wasn't me who made the initial nomination. You were going out with someone else at the time, and I was not going to be the first one to drop the I-want-to-poke-your-girlfriend bomb.

8:19 PM  
Blogger Dan G said...

And Becky was Chad's female counterpart. For those interested.

5:42 AM  
Blogger X said...

Dan, do you remember that Becky who left a ball of fur in the shower drain at the hostel in Paris?

2:57 PM  

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