Sunday, July 22, 2007

Updated May Be Too Strong a Word

One post does not necessitate hoopla, unless you count the surprising accuracy of prediction #4.
Who would have thought that Ron's seemingly innocent comment to Harry about the book Ron got him for his birthday improving his "wandwork" would be so graphically described?

Later, did anyone else catch this response to Ron's question "Oh my god, is that your wand?": "All eleven glorious inches of it! I can't wait to show Hermione!"

And who can forget this exchange between Harry and Bellatrix (GASP! Sirius's killer):
"Take it, you witch!" Harry cried, his eyes filling with a mixture of ecstasy and regret. Bellatrix cackled, "I barely felt that! Remember what I told you last time? You have to really mean it!"
Harry thrust his wand further. "I do mean it this time!" Harry shouted. "Before you black out, I want the last thing you remember to be the sight of my face hovering over yours."

And then on page 458, when it was revealed that Lupin was NOT in fact bitten by a werewolf, but became excessively hairy because he played too much with his wand under a full moon. Thank goodness Remus revealed the truth before Harry Potter became Harry Palmer.


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